#011 – Podcast. Shmodcast.
Everybody ought to start a podcast

Published on May 28, 2018

Did your mother ever say, “Just because Sarah from next door has one, doesn’t mean you need one too!”? If Sarah had a pet rock named Millicent, your mother was right. But what about a podcast? Well, everybody needs to start a podcast like yesterday. Seriously.

The numbers are all pointing that way. Sure, a podcast isn’t a sexy piece of kit like a television commercial or a celebrity-driven YouTube campaign – but there is a reason why podcasts are growing. Fast.

Can you say “multitask”?

You can’t watch a movie and drive a car at the same time. You can’t read a magazine while going for a run. Ever tried to read a novel and ski cross-country? As you can see, some things just don’t go hand in hand. However, all you have to do is to substitute movie, magazine and novel for “podcast” all of a sudden you’re multi-tasking.

High-performance, time poor executives have mostly cottoned on to the fact that they can still fit that podcast into their commute, waiting for kids to finiish swimming class or while making dinner.

I didn’t choose the podlife but the podlife chose me

Getting your very own podcast isn’t hard. In fact, it’s downright easy. The real trick is to make it entertaining and useful. The key is understanding your audience and creating content that they’ll come back for.

When we brainstormed the concept for Destroy Digital, we were quite clear on what the podcast was about – but the reality is that we enjoy the process so much that it doesn’t seem like work at all.

Podcasting pro-tip

Google “podcast growth” and then listen to this episode. We promise you’ll be thinking about getting yourself a podcast.

Just don’t name it Millicent. It’s a terrible name (Sorry, Millie).

PS Listen to the podcast’s intro episode to hear Chris and Mark talk about why they created Destroy Digital.

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