Privacy Policy
The Destroy Digital Podcast is a free to listen podcast. It is co-produced by Chris Asher and Mark Chen. We hate it when we get spam and we’ll never do that to you. We will never sell your data to any third party. Not even sharing it between our other businesses, unless expressly indicated or allowed by you. For example, if you subscribe to the Destroy Digital newsletter, you’ll never receive one from Oink Digital (Chris’ agency).
This Privacy Statement sets out the Destroy Digital Podcast’s policy with respect to the way in which we collect, use and disclose information about you, including through our website at The Destroy Digital Podcast adopts and is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“the Act”).
We do collect a stack of information on your browsing habits on our website but that is pretty anonymous. We won’t be able to identify any one of you by name or location. Some of the data will also inform us of how well the podcast is doing and where we can improve. This data will help us refine our user experience and offering, allowing us to get better at this. From time to time, we’ll install a cookie on your browser to help us collect that data. By browsing our website, you agree to this. And we are grateful for that.
When you connect via our social media channels, we promise to follow the same conditions as set out above. To recap, we will never sell your data. What Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn do with your data, is unfortunately between you and them.
When you subscribe to our podcast on your favourite podcast aggregator (ie iTunes, Android, Stitcher, Tunein etc) you will be bound by that services’ privacy policies.
As far as our newsletter goes, email addresses and personal contact will NEVER be exported and sold. It will also never be shared without your expressed knowledge or permission (you need to tick a checkbox) – this could occasionally happen in joint promotional campaigns with other podcasts, content publishers or agencies. Note, you may unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.
The newsletter is sent out via Mailchimp and we use their systems to ensure that your information is kept safe and separated. This also means that you’ll never get contacted by either Mark’s nor Chris’ other businesses for any reason whatsoever – unless you choose to engage us in that capacity.
In conclusion, we promise to never sell your details to anyone ever and never tell anyone who you are. Unless you’re a bad person and even then only when compelled by an Australian Court of Law.
Thank you for supporting Destroy Digital.